Compass is an open source CSS authoring framework that uses the Sass stylesheet language. Compass是一种开放源码CSS创作框架,它使用了Sass样式表语言。
The power here is that you are authoring your own language to describe this thing, not trying to describe it with another more granular, detailed language and its own ridged syntax. 可见,DSL的好处在于,它赋予你用自己的语言表述事物的能力,没有粒度更细、更关注细节的苛刻语法体系。
Cooperative Authoring System for Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language 协同环境下的对外汉语编著系统
Puts forward the idea of using both the multimedia authoring system and the traditional programming language to develop the CEC-MCAI courseware, and accordingly selects Director and VB; 提出了多媒体著作系统与传统的编程语言系统相结合的开发思路。选用Director与VB共同开发;
Courseware authoring system ( CAS) is a software tool for teacher to make instruction courseware. It is analysed and designed by objected oriented method and programmed by programming language C++ under windows environment. 课件写作系统CAS是提供给教师用以制作教学课件的软件工具,它是在Windows环境下采用面向对象的方法进行分析和设计并用C++编程语言实现的。
In this paper, the concept and syntax of visual programming language are described, and an icon authoring language of MPAT is introduced. 给出了可视化程序设计语言的基本概念及语法描述,提出了可视化的交互式多媒体演示系统创作工具MPAT中的图符写作语言。
The main components of the system are authoring tool, description language for virtual museum and network module, which digitalize the resources stored in the museum and allow clients to navigate. 创建工具、场景描述语言和展馆发布及浏览模块作为系统的主要构件,将海量的博物馆资源数字化,并提供给用户进行虚拟参观和漫游。